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July 24, 2018 BY Michael Rabinowitsch

States enact laws requiring remote sellers to collect sales taxes

States enact laws requiring remote sellers to collect sales taxes
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The following states have already implemented rules to require remote sellers exceeding certain thresholds to register in their states and start collecting sales tax. However, we advise you to discuss this with your trusted CPA adviser before you register. Also, please visit our website for frequent updates as other states begin enforcing the new supreme court ruling. (more…)

June 21, 2018

BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules States Can Force Online Retailers to Collect Sales Tax

BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules States Can Force Online Retailers to Collect Sales Tax
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Internet retailers can now be required to collect sales and use tax even in states in which they lack a physical presence, after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned a 1992 ruling that enabled much of e-commerce to be a tax-free zone. (more…)