
Consolidated Fiscal Reports (CFR, OPWDD, SED)

We know that your business is not just your business - it's your life's work.

Included in our services is the preparation or review of the Consolidated Fiscal Report, a critical tool used to determine tuition rates and waivers (NYSED), rate appeals and price adjustments (OPWDD), and rate setting methodologies (NYSED, OPWDD, DOH). This audited report is the basis for the review and/or disallowances of rates and costs by various NYS agencies.

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Zacharia Waxler, CPA

Managing Partner

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E.C. Ortiz is now Roth&Co!

We are pleased to announce our merger with Roth&Co, a leading accounting and financial services firm with locations in New York, New Jersey and Israel.

Read the full statement by Ed Ortiz Explore the newly expanded Roth&Co