Make the most of your fundraising with simple metrics
June 19, 2018
The amount of money your not-for-profit raises in fundraising campaigns is meaningful, but so is how efficiently you’re able to raise it. Such costs can be measured using two metrics: Cost ratio and return on investment (ROI). Let’s take a look. (more…)
fundraising - nonprofit
Don’t let donor fatigue erode support for your nonprofit
January 12, 2018
After a flurry of year-end fundraising, you and your not-for-profit’s staff are probably ready for a little break. Your supporters may be tired, too. At some point, even the most philanthropic individuals experience donor fatigue and start saying “no” — even to their favorite charities.
Here’s how to remain engaged with donors and yet keep your fundraising efforts from eroding relationships.
non-profit - fundraising - charity