Roth&Co Business Valuations – Roth&Co Skip to main content

Business Valuations

We know that your business is not just your business - it’s your life’s work.

Business Valuations

Aside from putting a number to the fruits of your labor, there are many reasons for a business valuation. At some point down the road, you will need to know the true value of your business, be it for an opportunity to sell, merge, grow profits, or in the unfortunate event of disputes and litigation. A business valuation can range from an informal quote of a business value to a comprehensive valuation report necessary for court or tax purposes.

As part of any business valuation engagement, Roth&Co’s Advisory Services Division’s team of business valuation experts – under the guidance of an accredited business valuator – will calculate the value of your business, so you can make more informed decisions going forward.

We offer 4 distinct business valuation products:

Calculation of Value
Summary Valuation Report
Detailed Valuation Report
Comprehensive Valuation Report

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