Roth&Co State and local governments – Roth&Co Skip to main content


State and local governments

State And Local Governments

State and local governments rely on independent accounting firms to improve program performance and operations, reduce costs and enable public accountability. Our state and local governments audit team performs financial audits in accordance with Government Auditing Standards, conducts compliance examinations and acts as special assistant auditors for multiple state agencies, local governments and universities.

What We Offer

Roth&Co’s team is experienced with state standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States and can apply this knowledge to verify compliance and internal control procedures for state-funded agencies and entities. Roth&Co’s skilled team will apply audit tests to ensure that the contracted agency is maintaining an effective system of internal controls, with no areas of noncompliance.


  • Financial audits
  • State compliance attestation engagements
  • Information systems audits
  • Single audit
  • Special assistant audits

Other Applicable Services